The Northwest Core is the general education academic program that students complete in conjunction with their major/minor degree program to complete their undergraduate degree. The Core consists of 42-44 credit hours that must be completed for graduation. The Northwest Core courses, combined with the major, minor, and elective courses, total a minimum of 120 credit hours for degree completion.
Northwest Core Academics Requirements
For additional questions about the Northwest core, please contact the Registrar’s Office at or 660.562.1151.
In order to complete a bachelor's degree, students must take the general education requirements for their specific degree, plus major and/or minor requirements as specified by the department, plus electives as needed to total a minimum of 124 semester hours. There are a minimum of 42 hours of general education courses that must be completed for graduation.
University Seminar | 1 |
Written Communication | 6 |
Required Courses: | |
Any student with ACT English score of 19 or above | |
Engl 10-111 Composition | 3 |
Engl 10-112 Composition | 3 |
For students with ACT English score of 27 or above | |
Engl 10-115 Composition | 3 |
Eng ACT credit upon successful completion of Eng 10-115, except for students with previous English composition credit. |
3 |
Students who have an ACT English score of 27 or above may elect to take Eng 10-111 and Eng 10-112. Students with credit for Eng 10-111 and an ACT English score of 27 or above may elect to take Eng 10-115 for three hours credit rather than Eng 10-112. No student may receive more than six hours of credit for the freshman composition requirement. NOTE: Eng 10-110 Developmental English is a prerequisite for students who do not meet placement criteria for Eng 10-111. |
Oral Communication | 3 |
Required Course: | |
Com 29-102 Fundamentals of Oral Communication | 3 |
Mathematics (Advisement necessary for correct selection) | 3 |
Required: One of the following courses: | |
Math 17-110 Finite Mathematics | 4 |
Math 17-114 General Statistics | 3 |
Math 17-115 Concepts of Mathematics | 3 |
Math 17-117 Precalculus | 4 |
Math 17-118 College Algebra | 3 |
Math 17-120 Calculus I | 4 |
Math 17-171 Fundamentals of Mathematics | 3 |
Political Science | 3 |
Required Course: | |
PolS 34-102 Introduction to American Government & Politics | 3 |
OR PolS 34-201 Missouri Politics (see note below) | 1 |
NOTE: PolS 34-201 is the required course for students who have credit for an American Government course which did not include a study of the Missouri Constitution. (Students successfully completing PolS 34-203 State and Local Government at Northwest may have PolS 34-201 Missouri Politics waived. See chairperson of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences for approval of this waiver.) | |
History | 3 |
Required Course: | |
Hist 33-155 America-A Historical Survey | 3 |
Life and Physical Sciences | 8 |
Required: One course from each area. | |
Life Sciences | |
Agri 03-130 Plant Science | 4 |
Biol 04-102/103 General Biology/Lab | 4 |
Biol 04-106/107 Principles of Biology/Lab | 4 |
Bio 04-114/115 General Zoology/Lab | 4 |
Physical Sciences | |
Chem 24-112/113 General Chemistry/Lab | 4 |
Chem 24-114/115 General Chemistry I/Lab | 4 |
Geol 27-110/111 General Geology/Lab | 4 |
Geol 27-114/115 General Earth Science/Lab | 4 |
Phys 25-110/111 General Physics I/Lab | 4 |
Phys 25-112/113 General Physics II/Lab | 4 |
Phys 25-120/121 Fundamentals of Classical Physics I/Lab | 5 |
Phsc 40-102/103 The Physical Sciences /Lab | 4 |
Phsc 40-122/123 Descriptive Astronomy/Lab | 4 |
Humanities and Fine Arts | 9 |
Required: One course from each area. | |
Literature | |
Engl 10-220 Introduction to Literature | 3 |
Humanities/Philosophy | |
Com 29-235 Introduction to Classical Rhetoric | 3 |
Hum 26-102 Western Civilization I: The Ancient World to 1500 | 3 |
Hum 26-103 Western Civilization II: 1500 to the Present | 3 |
Hum 26-104 The Humanities, The Eastern World | 3 |
Phil 39-171 Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
Phil 39-274, 275, 276 Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
PolS 34-105 The African World | 3 |
Fine Arts | |
Art 13-102 Art Appreciation | 3 |
Art 13-109 Survey of Art I: Prehistory through Medieval Art | 3 |
Art 13-111 Survey of Art II: Renaissance to the Present | 3 |
Mus 19-201 The Enjoyment of Music | 3 |
Mus 19-202 Jazz Appreciation | 3 |
PE 22-262 History of Dance | 3 |
Thea 43-101 Theatre Appreciation | 3 |
Social and Behavioral Sciences | 6 |
Required: One course from each area. Education degrees require Psyc 08-303 Educational Psychology. |
Social Sciences | |
Ag 03-102 Introductory Agricultural Economics | 3 |
Econ 52-130 Survey of Economics | 3 |
Econ 52-150 General Economics I | 3 |
Geog 32-101 Introduction to Geography | 3 |
Soc 35-101 General Sociology | 3 |
Soc 35-108 General Anthropology | 3 |
Behavioral Sciences | |
Psyc 08-103 General Psychology | 3 |
Psyc 08-303 Educational Psychology | 3 |
Total General Education Requirements | 42 |